I’m trying to decide if I should sell my jeep or not...


I have a beautiful red Jeep Wrangler 1997. However I just got a new job and it’s about 45 mins away. My jeep has been having acceleration problems. And I’m just worried she might not start one morning when I need to get to work.

This March my jeep broke down because a belt broke - and I got that fixed. I was stuck in the city for 2 hours till someone could come help me.

I just don’t know if it’s time to let go and get a Reliable car or hold on to my baby.

My mom also lives 2 hours away from me now and I worry that I can’t just hop in my jeep and drive to her without having a issue arise.

I absolutely love my jeep and I am so conflicted.

I got her all cleaned and ready to possibly be sold and my heart hurts.

But then the other side of me is like maybe u will be happy with a better running faster car.

I’m going to take her to a shop tomorrow to try to find out everything wrong with her to decide if it’s better to sell or pay to get her fixed.

I would love any advice. Thank you.