I am SO tired of working with women!! 😒

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

My period has been REGULAR like clockwork for about 8 years now (obviously excluding my pregnancy & my miscarriage) and ever since I started working at my current job 3 months ago in an office FULL of women (we are all in very close quarters) my period has been a MESS!! 3 days early, 2 days early, awful cramps out of nowhere. I know it might sound like I’m being dramatic but I’m telling you, my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> is always accurate to the very day. We use the NFP method so this has been a lil frustrating because I’m not reading my body’s signs as clearly as I’d like to anymore and my hormones feel like they’re all over the place. I’m 4 days away from when my period is due and I could hardly sleep all night because of excruciating cramps. I know I can’t blame it fully on being surrounded by ladies all day but I’m sure it’s not helping lol I just needed to rant because I woke up this morning aggravated and in a lot of pain so thanks for listening!!! 😊👋🏽