Ultrasound hurt my baby 💔

BoyMommy19 • Mommy to one beautiful baby boy born November 2019 💙

I went in for the big ultrasound at 19w6d, then I got a call the next day at 20 weeks because they found a cyst in my baby's brain called bilateral choroid plexus cyst. My world turned upside down and I went for a level 2 ultrasound at the specialist right away at the 20 weeks mark. They confirmed the cysts were there but no other markers, and everything looked good so I was able to opt out of the amniocentesis test. Now Today I am at 20w3d barely feel the baby move since my ultrasound at 19w6d. I started to feel him move A LOT at 17 weeks up until the day of the ultrasound. Now he barley moves and terrifies me that they hurt him or that he is afraid to move now 😥💔 Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm a FTM so I don't know what to think right now.