I do not need to “love” my “dad”

I need to get things off my chest for my own sanity. Choose to read or not. Make pop corn. Sip some tea. This is Very brutal, raw and honest. It’s a hot roast. Trigger warning. I will never understand some of my family members view points on how I should feel about my own dad. I should try to “understand” because he suffers from addiction and mental illness. That just because he at some point had sex with my mom and produced me with her that I should have some sort of relationship with him. I think the actual fuck not.

1. He tried to murder my mom. My mom is still suffering the long term affects from being physically abused on a daily basis for nearly 4 years until the attempted murder.

2. He was jealous of a newborn baby.

Idk what kind of fucknut you have to be to literally be jealous of a newborn baby, but he slammed my mother into the ground while I was in her arms and 3 days old and then he tossed the refrigerator on top of her. I clung onto her, and she had an adrenaline rush and lifted the fridge off of her and sat me down and continued on defending herself and me. It was all because he was mad of how much the attention shifted away from him and onto me after I was born.

3.He sexually molested my sisters. He actually asked my mom if he could do it to me too. He probably did do it to me and my mom just doesn’t know and iwas too little to remember. My mom didn’t tell me until way, way later in life because she didn’t want me to think badly of myself knowing my dad was a disgusting predator and child sexual abuser who should be rotting meat in prison.

4.Before I knew this, I met him at 18. He was drunk and made very sexual comments about me looking like my mom and how he betted I looked like her between my legs too. I left and threw up for probably an hour it made me so upset.

5.His body is rotting from alcohol so though he can’t beat the shit out of people anymore, he’s verbally and mentally abusive and gets “manic” and doesn’t stop for days. On and on and on he would harass me with the most awful shit, id block him and he’d find a way. Refused free treatment for both mental health and addiction help when it was offered.

6.Said horrible things about my mom that are engraved into my brain forever. About how he wants to abduct my mom and rape her among other things and leave her body in a ditch.

So In short when the old cockroach finally dies a slow and painful death from alcohol addiction I will feel relief in my soul, that there is one less cretin breathing the same air as me. So this felt good to get out of my system. In the end, I will never “feel” anything for a monster. If anyone else tells me that I should LOVE this shit stain on the underwear of the earth just because I am the product of the DNA that happened when sperm met egg, I will actually vomit.

Good day everyone.