Which job would you take?

A little background before I list the alternatives. I made this poll to get some insights to help my husband make a decision. He worked at job B before and it was great, but he's in a seasonal business and they couldn't afford to have him all year around so he left and got job A. I'll go more into detail below but he hasn't been completely happy with job A due to the boss and now job B has offered him to come back with a all year around employment, which is very unusual for his kind of business. The working hours are the same at both jobs and it's the same position/ work. We have one son with some medical issues and are now expecting baby number 2. I'm a stay at home mom and due to our first child's issues and my own health issues I'm considered having a high risk pregnancy, if that changes your opinion. Here are the details of the jobs:

Job A: Owned by a huge company which is financially secure and expanding. Offers great benefits and opportunities. Lower salary than he's offered at other jobs, and there's little room for promotions. Pays by the hour. Colleagues are okay, but the boss of his "department" is HORRIBLE. He refuses to give people time off, even when it's something personal and even if you ask him long in advance. Example: his colleague has a sister who was deemed cancer free in the beginning of the year, so for her birthday in July the colleague wanted to throw a huge celebration for her. She asked for time off in March. Boss said it would be fine, that they would discuss it next month. When she brought it up a month later he said her request was outrageous and that she couldn't possibly get time off until August. So she made arrangements to move it to August. In May he said that they had too much to do in August so she wouldn't get time off until the fall. Obviously made her pissed off so now she's just going to call in sick in July because then he can't force her to work. The boss has also refused to let my husband leave work early to come and see me at the hospital when I was rushed to the ER (husband left anyway lol). No laws stops the boss for doing this where we live. My husband and his colleague in the example have spoken to higher authorities in the company and they just say they're aware that the boss isn't really doing his job but that they have no plans for replacing him. This is why my husband isn't happy with his work and thinks of changing jobs (especially with me being pregnant). Many employees have already left because of this boss. This job is 1h-1.5h away from our home, depending on traffic.

Job B. A tiny company owned by a man that became friends with my husband when they worked together. It's doing great, but as with all small companies you never know how it will go, and thus is a bit of a risk. Doesn't really have any opportunities or benefits due to it being a small company. Pays really good though and it's payed monthly, which gives us a more stable and predictable economy. Colleagues are great, although they aren't so many and obviously his boss (the owner) is great. In an emergency his boss would probably close down and drive him to the hospital or whatever the emergency was. The job is about 10 minutes away, meaning my husband would have more time for our children.

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