My boyfriends ex girlfriends

Im actually getting so stressed omg, my period is due today I’ve been having weird symptoms for weeks and iim just not in the mood😂😭 and my boyfriends ex girlfriends are finding a way into my life.

My boyfriends friend made a group chat with all our friends on Snapchat to plan summer trips but he soon added my boyfriends 2 ex girlfriends. I’m definitely not going anywhere with them..

So anyway I’ve decided to mute the group because im not involving myself in their conversation because they claim to not like me😂 my boyfriend is talking to them and laughing with them and im thinking..why?

So now everyone has gone to bed and stopped messaging on the gc, i just have so many unread messages from the gc . It’s probably just of them chatting so much shit about me.

My boyfriend isn’t helping either🤦🏽‍♀️ he knows wat im going through aswell