Ok but am I wrong somehow?


I want to start off by saying my husband’s grandmother is.....well to put it nicely difficult. She’s the type who wants to control what the “younger generation” in the house does and says. My husband, son, and I moved back home a month or so ago and we’re stay with is mother since the house we were going to buy didn’t fall through like we expected so now we’re house hunting again. Well his grandmother is over, a lot, and it’s driving me mad but my husband says I’m being cruel since she’s “old and fragile”. Here’s some instances that upset me:

• I got a free coffee from the local coffee shop for my birthday, well I get back to the house and his grandmother is there. She goes on a rant about wasting money (mind you both my husband and myself have jobs) that can go towards my son’s college fund (he has a savings account with well over $1000 in it) and how I’m horrible for wasting the money and continued to berate me even after o said it was free. Her reasoning was there was a perfectly good coffee pot at the house

• She calls me disgusting because I use anatomically correct terms in front my son (penis, testiculs, vagina, vulva, etc etc.)

• she corrects my speech if I let a curse word slip

• always has something to say when I breastfeed my son (he’s 10 months old)

• gets upset if we talk about anything but American history in front of my son

Last night I said bastard( I called myself one) and she told me not to curse; so I kind of sarcastically said bastard isn’t a curse word just look it up it’s someone who doesn’t know their father, which I don’t. Well she started screaming saying “she’s fucking pissed” and grabbing all her stuff while “crying” as she walks out. Well today she told my brother in law she’s willing to look past it but she’s still mad at me. My husband wants me to apologize (he’s literally the only one in the house who thinks I need to) but I don’t want to. So am I wrong?