Should I try for child support from my baby daddy?

So long story short I'd gotten pregnant while in a really shitty abusive relationship that lead to me having to get a restraining order.

My son is now here and I'm wondering if I should try for child support.

The father has had nothing to do with my pregnancy since I was 20 weeks and won't be able to contact me again until March 20, 2020.

I'm trying to keep my son away from him as best as possible to protect him. My ex has a son from a previous relationship and didn't treat him right when we were together. It proved to me how he would be with my child and I wasn't going to accept it.

I live in Georgia and did not out him on the birth certificate so I have all rights to my son and as far and anyone is concerned he doesn't have a dad.

I understand if I tried for child support then he would have to undergo a paternity test proving my son is also his but the likely hood of that going over isn't too good..

I'm not after his money at all since I sure he's still house hopping or moved back in with his baby mama or something. He's incapable of living alone and supporting himself so I'm not worried about him trying for custody or anything. Plus, with his extensive criminal background it's very unlikely any sane judge would Grant him anything.

Again I'm not really hurting for the child support... But I know later down the road it would help a lot..

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