Type of Vagina, What is normal!?

Growing up with an older sister only 10 months older then me. Obviously my parents bathed us together and we got dressed in front of each other as she shared a room until we were about 10.

My sister always seemed to comment how “big” my vagina was compared to hers (mine is between 12 and 28, hers was about a 4) made nasty nicknames like “clitzilla” and taunted me constantly. I was scared to let anyone close to me. Even to this day I refuse to wear solid colored bikini and wear either black or very abstract bikinis in order to prevent anyone seeing the outline of my vagina because EVERY VAGINA IVE EVER SEEN WAS A 4! (Porn) so I feel like a freak of nature!

So guys, is it a huge turnoff to have larger labias?? Or doesn’t it matter!?

What number do you guys prefer!?

I need a man perspective on this!