Looking for recommendations?

Jeanete • 🌵 lover; wife 💑; ✝️ follower

Hi girls! I’m on CD1 (😭) and am making a follow up appointment with my specialist. Can y’all tell me a couple of things that you’ve tried or your specialist/doctors have recommended you try? I would really like to do some research before I go back to him.

Here’s a little about my journey:

I’m 28 and have been TTC with my husband since fall of 2015. I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS & endo. We’ve tried 2 rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> (w/ Clomid) in the summer of 2017 but AF showed up right on time both times 🙄. Also, for the last 6 months I’ve been on Berberine, drinking fertility tea (pinkstork), vitamin D, and prenatals.

Is there anything that you ladies would recommend I look into?

Xoxo ♥️