Nipple / boob pain...

YALL WHEN I SAY MY BOOBS HURT...... it’s literally the worst pain i’ve ever felt. my boobs feel so sore and SO HEAVY. they feel full like when i was breast feeding and also at the same time they feel like i just got done pumping and are sore like that.....this has never happened since i stopped bf and pumping. over 1 year ago. tmi but i could play with my nipples all day as much as i wanted. i could pinch them a lil a squeeze around my areola and i wouldn’t feel anything. literally no sensations. but for the past almost week if i even pinch the SLIGHTEST it hurts sooooo bad. could this be a pregnancy symptom?? i’m ttc but too early to take a pregnancy test. i’m only 1 week from my period but literally i can’t take it anymore 🤪🤣