Possible varicose veins in leg? Burning feeling !

Sweets • First baby due December 13th, 2015 ❤️
Just today I noticed a pain in my right leg right at the bend in the back. I also have a sore spot on my thigh right above my knee cap on the same leg. Both spots are sore to the touch but the spot in the back feels like it stings, or burns... Actually, it kind of feels like I have a sunburn. My mother had developed bad varicose veins during her pregnancy so I wonder if I'm in the beginning stages of this. I wore compression socks for a few hours today and kept my legs up to see if it would help. I'm worried about blood clots. I plan to talk to the doctor but my appointment is in 5 days so I feel like maybe I should just be patient about it. Has anyone had experience with something like this? Should I call the doctor sooner? 
By the way- I'm 29 weeks and 3 days preg. If it matters!