Tight chest!!!!!😭

Abi • 22- Mommy to baby Hugo 06.03.19👶🏻💙

So some background info.......

I’m 17 weeks postpartum and had quite a bad birth, lost a lot of blood and ended up being readmitted with sepsis as had retained placenta so had to have a D&C.

Ever since having the baby I have been suffering with a bad tight chest/short of breath, it almost feels like I can’t take a proper deep breath sometimes. I have had 3 CT scans of my lungs and heart in depth, loads of blood tests, iron checked, I’m on anxiety meds as they thought it was that and I don’t feel anxious anymore since being on the meds.

It comes and goes, I have really bad days where it lasts all day and on a good day I only get it come and go a bit but it is driving me INSANE!!!!! I don’t know what else the doctors can do to know what it is!!!!

Has anyone else suffered with this? Is it a normal postpartum issue? Could it still be anxiety deep down but I’m not aware?

Any help would be great!