Possibly pregnant??

Kelly • I`m 33, happily married and hoping to become a mom one of these days
Hey all, I could use some input, my husband and I have been ttc since May when we got married, over the last week or so, I've been starting to feel nauseous a lot, have had really sore and sensitive breasts, I have been peeing more so than I usually do, been a lot more tired than usual over the last week, I've been bloated, and I have been awfully moody, mood changes like crazy and a lot of the time for no reason at all, all nearly two weeks before my next AF is due, could just be PMS but I have my hopes up a little bit, as normally my PMS will occur just a week beforehand. Could I possibly be pregnant? I have had times my mind likes to play tricks on me, I'll have all the symptoms, sometimes even a late period, test and always get a negative result...could I possibly be pregnant this time around or just crazy?? I want a baby so very badly as I am 24, my husband is now 33, and we both want children...my AF is due around October 7th...input would be appreciated please...I just wonder if I might be getting my hopes up for nothing or if I really might have some hope for this month...