Some men....

Okay how do some men think it’s okay to touch your butt or even touch you in general?? I’m married and have been through 2 date rapes from separate people. (None of course from my husband) but it just makes me cringe when men touch me that aren’t my husband! Don’t touch my freaking butt, don’t even touch my butt/ lower back area.! Why do people think this okay.? I seriously just want to send a huge thing to my husband’s side of the family for the men not to touch me unless it’s a hug hello or good bye. (But I know that would come off rude🙄) first on a trip my husband’s stepsister’s husband hit my butt with a bag tell me to “Get out of the way” (jokingly) when I was talking to a family friend even though there was plenty of room for him to go around me! There was about 3 feet in between the wall and me. Then just barely I was checking out the toilet with my husband’s step mom and his dad I was leaning over the counter to shine the light into the toilet to give some light to the step mom. His dad walks in and just set his hand on my butt/lower back! Like what?? I gave him the chance to move it probably since he didn’t realize right away and and he didn’t freaking move it.! So I backed away from him! Like gross don’t touch me! Please don’t judge I just really am not a touchy person with people unless I super care/ trust them. But even then that’s just my husband, dad and brother! Not like my dad or brother touch my butt. 🤢 just don’t like being touched!! (No my husband’s family doesn’t know my past with the rapes but that still shouldn’t be okay!) 🙄 my husband knows about it and I know I’m over reacting a tad but he knows it makes me uncomfortable so he stands by me. But haven’t people ever heard “ keep your hands to yourself!”?? Just makes me not want to go by those people even more.

Update: thank you guys for being so supportive and listening to me! I’m glad you guys understand and didn’t feel like like I was overreacting! Means a lot ❤️