
Hello ladies I’m not sure exactly where to post this so I will probably post a few times.

On april 11th 2019 I found out I was having a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. We had tried for 2 years so we were devastated but wanted to try again immediately. After I was cleared to start, my doctor put me on progesterone 200mg starting 2 nights after ovulation for 12 nights. Last cycle I ovulated and started the followed his instructions unfortunately that cycle I didn’t become pregnant. I’m now in my second cycle with progesterone and I have been tracking my ovulation with clear blue advance (doing so for 2 years now) and I am on CD 16 and my ovulation is still reading low. I have never gone this low with not atleast getting a high... has anyone experienced this is I don’t ovulated should I still take the progesterone this month?!?! So frustrated I just want to feel pregnant again.