I shouldn't be the one doing this...


My father tried to kill my mother last night. Their relationship has always been water and oil, but this past year has been especially bad. My little brother just graduated from high school and was the one that saw it. One of my older brothers and my niece have been visiting them lately and he told my older brother. Then they decided to tell me today because they didn't know what to do. They didn't want to destroy my dad's life by calling the cops. Fuck that. He would have destroyed his own life by being abusive. My older brother is old school bible thumper. I mentioned how my mom had written a letter mentioning her feelings and everything and asking for a divorce, but she never gave it to him. And how I wish she would have. He fucking tells me the woman should never divorce the man and God wants a better way than that. I. Fucking. Kid. You. Not. My exhusband was abusive. I asked for a divorce and he threatened to take my daughter away from me and make sure I never saw her again. He tortured me for a year until he decided the relationship was over. His family knew and blamed me. Saying I must have done something to deserve it. I have NO sympathy for abusers. Fuck that. So here I am, about to drive 30 minutes to my mom's place to try to convince her to just leave and move in with family in kansas city where she's always had more support and been happier. And I keep having to pull myself back from having a PTSD attack because, for obvious reasons, this is all so damn triggering and I hate how cowardly my brothers are that they make me fucking do this. I shouldn't be the one that has to do this. I need courage guys... I need so much fucking courage right now.