Egg Donor

Hey ladies,
So I have some very serious stuff that I need true advice about.. 
My mom wants to have another child, but wants me to give her an egg to conceive her child with her new husband. 
What do you guys think I should do? 
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I would say no. My sister asked me to be her surrogate after she had 2 kids and had a hysterectomy. I hadn't even had my own child yet. I told her no. I'm not giving up my opportunity to have a child to help someone who already had two. Call me selfish if you will.


🙈🙉🙊 • Nov 9, 2015
I had misread her initial post. I still wouldn't donate an egg tho. That would be my child being raised by someone else and I just don't think I could do it.


🙈🙉🙊 • Nov 9, 2015
This was about being a surrogate. Not donating eggs.


Taylor • Nov 9, 2015
It doesn't take away anything from you FYI you have tons of eggs so donating a few doesn't impact your fertility!


Posted at
I personally would have to say no. Because I think there would be a conflict of interest there. I think if it were me I would feel much too attached to the child since it would basically be mine despite the fact that I didn't grow it, birth it, etc. but if you can detach yourself from those emotions, it would be a beautiful and completely selfless thing to do. Every person will look at it differently. Good luck in your decision 😊


Allie💕 • Sep 30, 2015
That's how I would feel in a way!


Posted at
Thats a hard decision.. First off do you have any kids of your own?? Second can you see yourself being ok with a situation like that?? That would basically be your baby.. I think it's a wonderful thing to do.. BUT it has some possible emotional attachments that come with doing it.


Hollie • Sep 30, 2015
And if you have kids of your own I'd say no. It's not worth the risks!


Posted at
I wouldn't. It would just be difficult to separate the fact that that's my mom, and my egg, who she will be raising. Also a little weird (power dynamic I mean) for her to ask that of you. Not necessarily with your mom, but I could see her pushing boundaries - sort of damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Posted at
I probably wouldn't. I know my mother can't have more kids though. I feel like it would cause problems. Too much drama and mixed emotions for me to handle.


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You need to do what's best for you. A lot of women get eggs from family members so it's not unnatural (including mother/daughter). If you're not sure then my guess would be no as you want to be 100% as donating your eggs is not an easy process, it is very hard on the body. If you do decide to go forward you might consider freezing the other eggs for yourself. I had to use an egg donor at myself to get currently pregnant and sure wish I would have frozen my eggs when I was younger.


Posted at
Depending on her age, isn't it dangerous to carry the baby too?