Emotional 😭😭


Argh 😡 feeling so emotional today. AF showed up again and between feeling angry and upset I just feel like a complete failure!!

Why can’t we just make our little family?? I can’t help thinking that it will never happen for us! I thought I did everything right...found the man of my dreams, sorted an amazing career, bought a house...the only thing that’s missing is our very own little miracle and the wait is starting to weight on me and in questioning what’s wrong with me!

I know I’ve got to stay patient and positive and keep reminding myself that it will happen. I can usually stay really level headed but I’m finding it really difficult today.

Sorry! I know there’s nothing I can do, I just really needed to vent to someone who understands the struggle...all my friends seemed to fall pregnant really easily or accidentally and don’t understand the pain of waiting each month.