💙Finally writing my birth story! (06/28/19)

Taylor • 27 y.o. 🌸 Married to Garrett Voorhees🚀Roark Logan Voorhees born June 28th, 2019💙

I had an appointment at 8AM that Thursday to be induced. At this point I was 5 days overdue, and about 2cm dilated. So ready to have baby boy out! My husband and I arrive at the hospital and it took the nurses not even ten minutes to get me hooked up to the pitocin drip and everything else prepared. I was super excited and also at this point was attempting a natural birth!

Around noon I had been having contractions for about 3 1/2 hours and then my midwife gave me the news that I hadn't still progressed passed the 2cm that I came in with.. As a little as disheartening as it was, she decided to break my water for me to get things moving a little faster(hopefully)...

Skip ahead to about 9:30PM, I was about 12-13 hours into contractions and I was beginning to get exhausted. Not being able to eat while in labor sucked so bad, and at this point I really just wanted to get some sleep. So I caved in and ended up asking for the epidural, not necessarily for the pain but just something that could help me get some shut eye. Honestly, I went in with the intentions of having a natural birth but I do not regret getting the epidural one bit! I was at least proud of myself for laboring for about 13 hours before asking for the needle!

Then it gets to be around midnight, my midwife checks me again and somehow I am only 4cm dilated. I am starting to feel emotionally frustrated but luckily my epi was done so well that I honestly just let myself fall right back asleep and let nature take it's course. The nurses also

put a peanut ball between my legs too to see if that would help open up my cervix. I slept like a rock until about 8 am when they came in to check on me again, and it was finally my time! They basically woke me up by saying, "well his head is right there so we are just gonna wheel you across the hall now and uhhh he has a lot of hair! " lol😂

After getting situated into my delivery room I pushed my little man out for 45 minutes until he entered this world FINALLY! 😍 25 very long hours of labor, but praise be my anesthesiologist because my epi lasted all the way until I got to my recovery room! Labor with the epidural actually wasn't half as bad as I imagined it and the nurses actually had to tell me when my contractions were happening so I knew when to push because I couldn't even feel them. My baby did have two nuchals coming out but luckily my nurses took care of that with ease, and I also didn't need any exterior stitches just a few on the inside which wasn't too bad at all.

Roark Logan Lushen Voorhees💙

Born June 28th, 2019

7lbs 3oz

19 inches long


We ended up having to stay one extra day in the hospital because little guy's bilirubin levels were a little high, but they let us leave the following Monday afternoon. Ever since then my husband and I have been so blessed with such a beautiful baby boy. My birth didn't really go at all like I planned it in my head! I never imagined being induced, I never thought I would labor for that long, and I really didn't want the epidural. BUT at the end of the day I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, and I just couldn't be more grateful for a happy, healthy baby. So far he is breastfeeding wonderfully, loves to play with his hands, loves listening to Daddy playing guitar, and also loves to nap with Mommy. We can't wait to keep watching him grow!

Mommy loves you so so so much Rory🥰