Increased UTIs

Before getting pregnant, I had one UTI in my life. I took the prescribed antibiotics and it had cleared up in a few days. After that I was more conscientious about preventing them, drinking lots of water, cleaning well down there, taking cranberry supplements, etc.

Then I got pregnant (over a year after my first UTI)and after my first ultrasound I got a UTI. They weren’t able to prescribe me a full strength antibiotic due to being pregnant, but I took what they gave me and it seemed to work for a week. At the end of that week I lost the pregnancy, and the following week UTI symptoms were back - so either the UTI never cleared up fully or it was another one?

Now over a month after losing my pregnancy I started feeling symptoms again. I didn’t know if it was just discomfort from bleeding over a month but I took a test and yep, UTI. Again. Is this normal after being pregnant/losing a pregnancy?? As I said before I rarely had issues, and now it’s been 3 times in 3 months. I’m a clean and hygienic person and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.