Brother-in-laws Girlfriend 😒


I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and all these thoughts are running through my head like who I want to be in my babies life and at the hospital and everything. I can not stand my brother-in-laws girlfriend she is so rude and only cares about her family and not his (yet for some reason he’s still wrapped around her little finger). I have seen how she treats our nieces mind you they’ve been together for almost three years so she’s been in these little girls life for THREE YEARS and she treats them like complete crap! My mother-in-law used to also be wrapped around her finger but has now seen how she treats my nieces so her attitude has changed a little but his hasn’t. So anyway she won’t play with them acts like they don’t even exist most of the time she treats them like they are no bodies. I honestly do not want her near my baby at all. I don’t want her at the hospital I don’t want her touching my baby taking pictures of my baby definitely do not want her calling my baby her niece/nephew I just don’t want her in my babies life period. I’ve told my husband because he also can not stand her but I know his brother is going to be hurt by it. Does it make me a bad person for not wanting her in my child’s life? I just don’t want her acting like my child doesn’t matter and only her niece and nephew do because children realize when people treat them badly my nieces ask everyday what they have done for her to not like them. Does this make me a bad person or is it just crazy pregnancy hormones?