Ultrasound tomorrow & need prayers!

Jerrika • 2 MC 💔💔 now 🤰🏻 w/ 🌈👶🏻

UPDATE: Ultrasound this a.m. went great! Baby was dancing with its hands up, 173 heart rate and measuring right on schedule 9w 4d. We heard the heart beat too! We couldn’t be happier — just giddy at this point! I’m back again in 2w for the doc to listen to heartbeat at nearly 12w as a precaution because of my history. Thank you for your thoughts, good vibes & prayers! 🥰

Pictured: today’s ultrasound pic — look at those little hands!!!! 😍

We had MCs in October 2018 and January 2019. We took a few months off from TTC, and now I’m 9.5 weeks pregnant — the furtherest I’ve made it in a pregnancy. Woohoo! We had a great ultrasound on June 20 — which was a HUGE deal because we’ve never had a good one before. We’re ecstatic! Because of my history, our doc wants an ultrasound every two weeks in the first trimester and I’m taking progesterone supplements. I was on vacay last week, so my ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I’ve been great up until today — and now I’m a nervous wreck. It’s so hard to just be positive and happy when you’ve experienced what I have (and like I know many of you/others have). I’m just asking for your thoughts and prayers. Ultrasound is at 8 a.m. eastern time tomorrow. Thank you, ladies! 💛