I’m pregnant and we didn’t even have sex

My boyfriend and I have been dating 7 months. Never had sex yet (he had ED)

I can get him off from oral but we’ve never gotten to the point of actually putting it inside because we both feel like it would be way too awkward if he can’t stay hard. (He’s going to the doctor tomorrow for it)

Anyways, so about 6 weeks ago we were messing around and he was hard. So he tried to put it in, for the first time. I wasn’t wet enough, we were in an awkward position and overall it was just weird because we knew it wouldn’t work. It never went in, not even a tiny bit. However, the head of his penis was against it for a while and he was doing that thing where the guy rubs it up and down with the head.

He didn’t even cum that night.

So what a fucking surprise when my period was late. Didn’t think anything of it. Til my best friend started asking about why I’m sick, why I’m moody, breaking out, etc. she literally forced me to take a test.

I laughed the entire time because there was no way.

Then it came back positive. I have not been with anyone else. Went to the doctor today, confirmed it. I’m pregnant. I was so shocked that I argued with the doctor lol, of course I’m an adult, I know precum is a thing but still..

So now I need help on how to tell him. He’s going to think I cheated or something because we’ve never had sex before and he didn’t even put the tip in. So just a reminder, don’t do anything sexual unless you are ready.

Luckily, once he gets passed it, we will both be happy. We want a baby, just could never have sex. So yeah.. how do I tell him?!!!

Edit: for the people saying they don’t believe it, or it doesn’t add up.. lol. Why would I make a post lying about not having sex with my boyfriend? 😂 we didn’t have sex, I didn’t cheat. Precum is a thing and the doctor explained multiple ways that you can get pregnant without intercourse. Is it super common? Not really but once precum/sperm enter the vagina through the penis, fingers, etc. it will travel the same.