Separation anxiety

My 6 1/2 month old boy is such a mommas boy. Titty baby cry baby you name it. He just loves me so much but I think it’s slightly unhealthy how he only wants me and will literally cry like his heart is broken if I even walk out of the room into the next for just a second. Don’t get me wrong I’m flattered. I love him beyond he’s my whole world and I know hes like that bc I’ve spoiled him always held him and been really the only one to take care of him so for the most part I’m all he knows. Hes just now starting to go to his daddy and be okay with him but that’s about it. He doesn’t like most people hes not familiar with. What are some tips and help with this? How am I ever Gunna be able to go back to work, put him in daycare or start watching other children because he just wants to be held by me. I’m his Saftey. And I refuse to let him cry it out. Anyone else have this problem?