Being in A Relationship With a Musician


My boyfriend and I have been having a recurring fight as of late regarding my band and I’m not sure how to deal with it.

I’m a singer in a rock band and my band mates and I are very close.

Recently I’ve been asking him to come out to more shows because he doesn’t ever come see us play. I’ve taken on other singing endeavors too and it feels like pulling teeth to get him to come out.

Last night he came to a performance of mine and he just kept looking at the time wanting to know when it would be over. He was supportive of me and he told me how proud of me he was but at the end of the night he complained that he was going to have to get up for work early the next day and how it was inconvenient that the show was taking so long even though we left early and didn’t stick around after I went on. (10pm, we were home at 11)

This is primarily why he doesn’t come is because he works an early shift at his job.

On top of that he has grown to resent my band mates because I spend so much time with them and often have to communicate with them outside of rehearsals and shows.

I’ve encouraged him to make a bigger effort to hang out with us as my band mates’ significant others often do. My guitarists girlfriend is always front and center when she can make it.

My boyfriend isn’t really a music guy. He can’t name artists and isn’t crazy about it. It’s ironic that he would end up with a musician, but I’m curious about your guys’ take. His excuse is that he doesn’t listen to the type of music we play, or that shows go too late. Even though we’re usually up at home until midnight anyway on days we spend together.

This is a guy who cooks for me and cares deeply for me in every aspect of life, but he just can’t get into this whole gigging rock and roll thing.
