Clomid success?


Hi guys! I have had a long journey with PCOS. I miraculously ovulated and got pregnant in 2015 but lost my baby around 16 weeks. Before that, my periods were VERY irregular. Some would last 6 months straight or I would go without them.

Fast forward to now, ever since losing my little one my period has been consecutive every month. My ovaries look like a classic case of PCOS but one is quite enlarged. I took ovulation tests before being prescribed clomid and I do ovulate on my own!

My doc said that the reason I cannot carry a baby is because the eggs I release are not matured so I need more LH hormone which is where clomid comes in. I was prescribed 4 months.

I just took my last pill today.

Do you guys think I have a chance? And also for anyone who has taken Clomid how fast did you become pregnant? Thank you!!!