Laproscopic surgery

Jessica • ttc for 4 years. Have 1 tube open by lap surgery. Did 2 IUIs and no luck. IVF June 2016. I need to just relax, 😆
Who's had one? I just had surgery yesterday to remove possible endometriosis, cysts and polyps. To open my tubes too. I was very nervous about what they would find. And if they could even open the tubes. So they removed a few polyps from inside my uterus. The cause of my painful cramps. And could only open one tube. Not too sure of what else they found or did. Dr talked to hubby and doesn't remember everything. I'm a little upset they couldn't open the other one. But I guess one will have to do. Now can't BD this week and it's my fertility window. 😞 I heard the first 3-6 months critical to try to get pregnant