Ovulation Tests Vs OB order


So a little over a month ago I went to see a new OB.. I have a past with PCOS, however when I did my blood work she said everything looked great and had no concerns in that department. I do have very irregular cycles so for that she decided for a couple months we would do Provera.

She told me to do my first round and on cycle day 18 if I had not ovulated yet, I was supposed to start right away on Provera again.

I had my cycle and am on day 19 and have been getting blinking smiley faces for the last 4-5 days... glow says I should ovulate in 4 days... which I know it’s an app and not my body...

So... do I continue to take the tests l- or do I stop and take the Provera... I should also mention we have been baby dancing like crazy during this time... so that also strikes a concern in case we were to have sometime conceived...

I’m probably crazy, but I need some thoughts...