What would you do? (Cat issues) Update:


I don't know where to post this and really need advice. We had to take our 1 year old cat to the vet ER last night because she hasn't been eating or drinking for the last 4 days and has been throwing up and her poop is black. We took her to the vet a few days ago and he gave us some medicine that was supposed to stimulate her appetite. That didn't work. They did x Ray's and did an endoscopy to look in her stomach but didn't find anything. So now they are going to do an ultrasound this morning to look at her intestines. So far this is costing us almost $2,000. She might have to have surgery which would be at least another $2,500. We can't afford it. At all. We can't even afford the 2,000. Just put it on a credit card that we worked really hard to pay off. I love my cat so much and she is amazing. I don't want her to die but I can't spend over $5,000. I don't know what to do. I can't justify putting her to sleep because we can't afford treatment for her. I just dont know. I am so stressed and sad. This situation is just crazy. Up until four days ago she was so happy and crazy and energetic. It happened so fast. What would you do?


She spent a night at the vet and we did an ultrasound. She didn't have a blockage but her intestines were irritated so something passed through that made her sick but it looks like it's gone. She came home and was her old self! Really happy and super hungry. Ate a ton! So we didn't have to pay for a surgery and we ended up doing an ultrasound and not am endoscopy. This is when we picked her up with her IV in.