Ovulation and no periods?

Vicky • Finley 31/08/16 💙 Percy 16/03/20 💙 Baby girl <3 May 2025

OK so I came off the pill march 19th, had a period 44 days after my withdrawal bleed, now on cycle day 69 and still not period, I decided to start taking ovulation tests when I would usually ovulate had I gotten my period to see if I am in fact ovulating and I've never had a test this dark before, am I on my way to ovulating?! I know it's not positive yet, and I know it's possible to ovulate without having periods, also I usually take my tests 11am and 6pm but due to a funny week and just finishing two night shifts it's been hard to get them right on time but should be able to now I'm off until next week, we will be baby dancing every night until I'm back at work 😁🙌🏻 and also look at the difference between one step and easy@home from the other day taken with same urine sample