Red some advice pregnant and in a dilemma

Soooo me and my fiancé rent a duplex and the air conditioner was leaking Rain water in our attic through our door frame which it is above, it leaked onto our carpet in our bedroom and soaked it pretty good. The leak seem to have stopped but the water seems to keep spreading in the carpet, we shop vacced it and it helped but it just seems like it’s moving more and more across the carpet closer to our bed and closet, but the leak has definitely stopped, our landlord is out of town for the next two weeks and I’m afraid of it turning to mold. Or harming my baby cause I’m pregnant. I’ve been having headaches the past two days which I usually do not get I’m not sure if it’s from that or not ...or literally just a coincidence .. it doesn’t smell at all, and being pregnant my senses are strong it is just a nuisance because it gets re soaked hours after we shop vac it even though my hubby checked the air unit and it is no longer leaking water from the rain. is this harmful ?!! I’m scared and don’t really know how to go about maintaining this until my landlord gets back from out of town

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