Husband had Influenza A and I have a new born...


Hey people so I'm so pissed off with my husband right now last week my husband got sick with a cold and it got bad to the point he was on bed rest and off work for a week as his head was spinning and high temperature. I told him for 3 days to go to the doctors as I have children aged 10, 8, 6 and at the time a 1 week old baby (she is 2 weeks old now) in the house and I don't want them getting sick. He never went to the doctors it took him 5 days YES 5 f#cken days. They done a nose swab and he just got a call to go down he was told he has influenza A and he asked the doctor is it dangerous for young kids and a new born he was told NO but I've looked it up and yes his Dangerous. Has anyone every had it. Can you please help me. I'm so worried for my kids and baby. Please don't judge me..