Toddler Woes


Ya’ll, I’m losing my mind over here. Our 20 month old has always been an excellent sleeper. I really couldn’t have asked for a better situation. We have a strict routine of bath, snack, books, and bed. We used to be able to rock her for about 15 minutes and then lay her down. She would go right to sleep or lay quietly until she fell asleep. About two weeks ago all hell broke loose. Bath time became a battle. She refuses sometimes to eat her snack. She gets mad when story time is over. This child wants to be rocked to sleep. Which for awhile I was ok with, but now her eyes pop wide open when you go to put her down. It’s taking 2+ hours to get her asleep each night. In turn, we are both cranky the next day.

I know she is in the stage of terrible twos. I also know toddler sleep regression is a thing. My husband wants to start letting her cry it out. I know it’s probably the best way to break the habit, but it makes me feel like a monster. We can hear her from the living room and I usually end up crying myself. Anyone else having issues?? How are you dealing with them? I need help!! And maybe some wine...