Delivered 36+6! Updated!


Birth story soon to come, but for now here’s some pictures of my sweet baby girl❤️

Due date was originally August 4th,

Magnolia Jane made her appearance a little early, July 13th at 10:44 am. 6 pounds 6 ounces, 19 inches long. She is more than perfect and healthy in every way possible! She makes a 36 hour labor so worth it!


Got to come home today! Here’s my birth story:

I began feeling some contractions and back pain about 1 week before I delivered, I had my 36 week appointment on July 9th, found out I was 3 cm. Dilated, on July 11th at 10:30 pm I got out of the shower and went to put on underwear and when I lifted my leg, a small gush of fluid leaked onto the floor, soon after I began having contractions about every 5-6 minutes, but they didn’t really hurt, so I decided to go to sleep. Woke up that next morning, July 12th, at 11 and I wasn’t feeling any contractions, just some pelvic pressure, so I bounced on my ball for about 10 minutes, I got up to go pee and when I pulled down my shorts I realized I was pretty soaked. And then instantly after I started having contractions every 2-3 minutes apart. (I live 35 miles from the hospital) My husband was working just 1/2 mile from the hospital, so I called my mom and she took me there and we met my husband there. They swabbed me and tested it to see if it was amniotic fluid that I was leaking, the nurse said she didn’t see any and then began to tell me that a lot of first time moms didn’t really know what they were doing and how I should just go home and wait until I was at least actually in pain, otherwise hospital visits were completely unnecessary (she must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed that day). But my OB asked her to swab once more and then send it to the lab just to make sure since I was dilated already. The nurse was annoyed that she had to do it again, because she was sure i was there for no reason, but sure enough she came in and told us my water had broke and we were about to have a baby!

I didn’t have much of any pain, and at 10 PM they started me on Pitocin, because I wasn’t making progress and they were worried about baby being inside for too long after my water broke. Began feeling some pain, but it was tolerable until about 3 AM on July 13th, I was in a lot of pain, but still it wasn’t nearly as bad as I prepared for. But when they checked me again around 4 AM I hadn’t made any progress. They recommended me to get an epidural and sleep, to help speed things along. So that’s what I did. I slept for about 20 minutes after the epidural and then they checked me again, I was at 5 cm, and then they had to rupture another part of my water. I slept again for about 15-20 minutes, and when I woke up I felt the urge to push. My nurse checked me and said I was at 10cm, and had the most paper thin cervix. That it wasn’t quite all the thinned out. She called in the dr, I woke up my husband, and within 1 minute of her checking me, the dr was there telling me to push. I pushed through 5 or 6 contractions, the last one I pushed an extra 2 times and she cane right out. Pushed for 19 minutes total.

Magnolia was born at 10:44 AM On July 13th

And I now have the most perfect baby girl!

I had no major tears, just a very small one right inside that needed 2 stitches.

Recover is definitely the worst part of labor and delivery for me!!

Here’s some new photos of my sweet girl!