Ectopic Pregnancy

Megan • Married 8.2.14 TTC since 8.14 Diagnosed w/ Hypothyroidism 4.15 Started Femara 8.15
Got the call today that my HCG only went up to 670 on 9/30. It was 257.7 on 9/24. They are pretty sure it's looking like a possible ectopic pregnancy. We are going in tomorrow for another scan to see if we can see anything and discuss our options. There was nothing visible in my uterus nor was there anything suspicious near my ovaries or tubes on the 24. Regardless of where the baby may be it is now pretty real that this is not a viable pregnancy. I am supposed to be 6 weeks Saturday and no miscalculations since my husband went out of town on 9/7 for most of the month. We are devestated right now. Since we haven't told friends or family I just needed to let this out. I appreciate anyone who read this long post!