Infertility at it's best.


My personal experience...

We have been ttc for 2 years now and I have unexplained infertility.

Its the constant battle within my self each and every month

It's making a mental checklist every time my body twitches

Headache- pregnancy symptom ✅

Nauseous- pregnancy symptom ✅

Insomnia- research- pregnancy symptom ✅

Bigger boobs ✅

Sore boobs ✅

Mood swings ✅

Its thinking maybe this is the month, maybe now is my times, I have all these symptoms, its thinking about it constantly and then having tell myself to stop. Telling myself I'm stupid for thinking I'm pregnant because why would it be now.

Its wanting to tell my boyfriend and friends I think I'm pregnant but not doing it because they've heard it all before and it not happening.

It's not wanting to get my boyfriends hopes up too.

Its thinking about cute ways to announce it this month.

Its constantly checking my breast, are my nipples getting darker?

Its wanting to take a test, but don't because you know its going to be just one line.

Its spotting but still trying to convince myself that's maybe its implantation even deep down I know its just the beginning of my period.

Its crying when I see a glimpse of blood.

Its telling myself how stupid I was to think I was pregnant.

Infertility isn't about the negative tests we see every month, it's the constant battle we have each and every month. Its the lost of hope. It's the constant praying. The feeling of being a failure. Women were made to have babies right? So why cant I have a baby. Its questioning your purpose in life. It's being envious of your friends and family having babies. It's the jealousy. It changes you.