My husband is mean and rude

Hello everyone. I had a miscarriage a few months ago and it was very emotion for me. I was in the hospital for my miscarriage and lab techs will come in and ask when did I have my baby and I had to tell them I had a miscarriage. Going through all that and to not be able to take your baby home is so heartbreaking. However, I'm 10 weeks pregnant now and I'm really excited but whenever my husband gets mad at me, he calls me a killer and say I killed our baby and I might do the same to this one. It's so hurtful when he says these things and I just cry. I have nobody to talk to so I wanted to vent on here. Thanks for reading 😢😔It's just so hurtful. I pray I have a healthy pregnancy and safe deliver.
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Posted at
I'd hit him. Either that or kill him.You are going through enough guilt on your own. A man like that doesn't deserve to be a father or a husband, what a.... If i knew him hell he'd be in trouble. I had a miscarriage in December at 12 weeks.Honey I don't know you, but if I could I would be giving you so many hugs and helping you pack your shit. If you are in iowa you have a place to stay. My man was very supportive and doesn't blame me one bit. That is the support you need. Not a childish, abusive, pencil dick, prick. Honey you need to know your worth and leave that worthless piece of shit. If you can't do that at least let him read my comment so he can see what a worthless human being he is and see he needs to change that bull shit real quick.


Cassie • Oct 13, 2015
Amen sister!!!!!


Posted at
Oh hell no! What a HORRIBLE thing to say to you. You absolutely had no control over what happened. We'd definitely be seeking counseling or he'd be looking for somewhere else to stay! You should NOT have to put up with that emotional abuse. Don't you for one second believe that it was your fault!


Posted at
Get out, now! He is not mean and rude, he is abusive and he will escalate. If you don't have family or friends, find a shelter. This behavior is not acceptable. This man should not be your husband. He is a monster. 


Posted at
That is emotional abuse. You really should reach out for help--to a safe friend or family member, a therapist or religious leader or call a domestic violence hotline. You deserve to be loved and nurtured by your husband! What he is doing is unacceptable.


Posted at
That is truly horrible. I couldn't stay with a man like that. I'm so sorry you have to put up with this x


Posted at
That is an truly awful thing to say! I can't believe anyone could say that! It is not ok to behave like that! I'm sorry you are going through this.


Posted at
That's not acceptable behavior.  Please tell a close friend or family member what is going on. 


Posted at
Unacceptable!!! I would be in jail for assault with bodily harm or even murder!! That is terrible!! So sorry for your loss and I pray God holds your womb in his protective hands. Please, don't put up with that!! 😗