
Okay so i started my period on the 3rd due to being induced on prevera bc i hadn’t had a period in over a year and it ended on the 9th. I started taking ovulation tests yesterday the CB digital and it came back blinking smiley face, i also took a ept numeric test and it was .01 yesterday, today i got blinking smiley again and .05 on the ept. When i filled out my period log on here it says I’ve missed my ovulation window which is confusing bc my period just ended a week or so ago.. idk if i filled it out right and I’m also so confused with ept numbers vs blinking smiley faces, i don’t have any cervical discharge and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong or right. If anyone could please please help and give advice I’d appreciate it. We have been trying for 3 years and nothing. Please let me know opinions and advice!!!