How young is too young to shave legs?


My 8 yo has long blonde leg hair. It doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother her. I noticed this past Christmas, they were starting to come through her tights which I remember happened to me at her age.

Her step dad and I are continuing to build a relationship with her where she can tell us anything that’s bothering her. She came home from her bio dad’s a couple weeks ago and said her dad made fun of her leg hair and she wants to shave.

When I dated her bio dad, many moon ago, he always made fun of my “side burns” (he’s always been verbally abusive).

So Emily talked to her step dad and I in the car and told us why she wants to shave. I’m stuck between helping her confidence by removing the hair or not letting her remove the hair and having her wait. My husband says she’s a little young, yet. I see where she’s upset with the hair and if she can change what she’s self conscious about, then why not let her? I mean, it’s no different than if you don’t like your weight so you start working out, right? It’s something you can change to feel better about yourself.... I just don’t want to do the wrong thing. My mom made me wait and I was bullied and self conscious for it until I was 10 or 11.