

So i did a potty party (introduced potty at 17months) she loved it and caught on. She has been in pull ups during the day ever since and diaper at night. She will sometimes tell me she has to do yuckies or go peeps and we go. Or ill ask her and take her and she will go. She doesnt really go when we are out and about either she forgets or still just hates big potty’s as she calls them lol. I didnt do the “three day” potty hack i tried day one she peed on the playroom floor (i have those foam letter squares) was a bitch to clean so said im good lol. But here we are at 32months and not completely potty trained. My husband is annoying and keeps telling me to do what his cousins wife did for their girl (put underwear on under a diaper so when they pee or poop it makes them so uncomfortable) im so good on that i dont believe in shaming my bubba to potty train. Any advice? Should i just suck it up and try the three day potty idea again think ill remove those dumb foam things so its just the bare playroom floor easier to clean peeps.