Another try 🥰

Jade♥️ • JB👶🏽 10.5.16 👼🏽2.17.19 TTC🌈

Sooo little back story: I don’t produce eggs when i ovulate(period is regular). Normal progesterone levels for a woman who does produce eggs are 15-20 well mine are 2.5! I was put on 100mg Clomid from June 2018-oct 2018, which made my levels a 17!! Well Nothing came of it. Stopped trying due to holidays & what not approaching. Well this January I naturally became pregnant 🤰🏽 with baby #2, had hcg bloodwork done & levels were above what they should’ve been🙌🏽. One night I started having cramping on my left side, no bleeding or vomiting. So I waited, but after 3hrs I could not handle the pain & was rushed to the ER & unfortunately our baby implanted in my left Fallopian tube (ectopic) so I had emergency surgery at 9wks😭 to remove my tube(and baby).

Tonight I am starting 100mg of Clomid again. I also saw a rainbow 🌈 yesterday on my way home from the pharmacy after picking up the Clomid! 🙏🏽 praying god was showing me a sign!

I guess I wrote all that to ask.... has anyone had luck with Clomid? Any tips?