Probably not pregnant

If I’ve been missing my pills and I’ve had unprotected sex (yes I am aware that it’s irresponsible.) could that cause a pregnancy and could I get a negative test and still be pregnant. I ask this because.


Sore nipples (like I had to put an ice pack on them)

Nauseous everyday for about a week

Headaches everyday for a week

And I’ve been crying everyday for 2 weeks

I took a test on Sunday and it came back negative. I thought I saw a second line but it was so faint it might have been my eyes playing tricks on me. If my nipples keep hurting should I go to the doctors and test cause at this point I will do anything for them to stop hurting.

I am actually kind of scared if I am, i am in a poly relationship and we’ve actually been having issues. Our girlfriend is going to school in New York and we’re still in school in Florida she’s been jealous lately and this would break her heart. We’re all still trying to finish college and this would stop things for me.