Breastfeed/Bottle feed🍼

My milk supply finally came in today!🙌🏼🍼

I have 2 questions...

I’m pumping at the moment also but what do you mommas do with the rest of the milk your baby doesn’t finish? Toss or save for next feeding?

I ask because I have just given my baby their feeding and didn’t finish but the milk has been in room temperature for about 2 hours prior to feeding...

Secondly my right breast has engorged and I believe I have a backed up milk duct. It’s a bit tender and warm. I do massage when I do my day breastfeeding but within an hour my breast becomes more tender. What do you ladies recommend to ease the pain?

Thank you for any tips!

And yes I do bottle feed&breastfeed...if you’re not a fan of my decision which I get but please do not comment. Still learning and just want to provide for my little kiddo, ty!