Vaginal heaviness/pressure-2nd pregnancy


So I’m currently 26+5 pregnant with my second baby. My first born was 9lbs 6oz and I got pretty large... Currently, I’m having some vaginal heaviness and pressure, been that way on and off for about 2 weeks now, but I guess as he gets heavier and gains more weight it just intensifies... My OB says it’s due to the fact that everything is really stretched and weak from my previous pregnancy. I’ve been to the hospital multiple times and was checked each time, and told that my cervix was closed and thick and that it’s “all just apart of pregnancy.” But I’m super aware of my body and with precaution, I sometimes check my own cervix when I’m feeling this pressure, and usually when I do, I can feel baby in my cervix, not sure if he’s actually in my cervix or if it’s just my poor ole uterus pushing down onto my cervix but it freaks me out every time and I’ve even voiced my concern about possible funneling, and after every exam they say that my cervix feels fine and nothing out of the ordinary...

Is anyone else having this issue with subsequent pregnancies? Should I be worried?