I'm emotional and I feel alone

I suffered a miscarriage this past May at 6 weeks... I've miscarried before but this time I was expected to deliver on my late grandfather's birthday and i thought that was a sign.. The miscarriage was bad... Thru didn't know if it was ectopic or if the fetus was actually in my uterus.... In fear that it could've been ectopic they did a laparoscopy procedure and a D&C... 2 weeks later lab work showed tee fetus was in my uterus the entire time. It was a very painful recovery both physically and emotionally...

I got a faint positive 3 days in a row but have been super stressed... Today i started spotting. AF isn't due for another 4 days. I'm speechlessly devestated.... I told my SO and it appears that he's going on with the day as if i said nothing... He's even complaining about my mood... We just arrived to his mom's house where his sister is here and we were due at tyre same time before i miscarried.. He told me he didn't want me to bring my negative energy into his mom's house around his family... I'm trying not to cry... Just sitting in tyre bathroom looking at this blood on the tissue as i listen to him laugh and joke with his family in the other room...

He's usually very supportive but we've been arguing for the last 2 weeks over little stuff... I feel so bad and like I'm a problem... I don't have a supportive family and nobody to talk to...

Just venting... Please, if you're the praying type, please pray for me....