Depo Shot


I had my first depo shot in March of this year and bled for over 12 weeks. I was miserable, suddenly had the worse case of acne and was just done with it so I discontinued and at my next visit my dr. and I discussed other methods.

We scheduled the appointment to have the implant. (Haven't done it yet). On Friday I started cramping and feeling as though my period was coming. I hadn't had a normal cycle since February, so I was ready to be normal. My nipples were sore for weeks. They were so sore I couldn't wear a shirt without being in pain. That went away right before the cramping. Started spotting on Mon and full bleeding on Tues.

Now, my cycles normally just 3-4 days and are fairly moderate. Some months are heavier than others, but not like this. I've been cramping more than ever, my lower back and stomach hurt so bad, even my knees hurt. I'm also passing good sized clots, like I can feel them. I've also never bled this much, not even after giving birth the 5th time. I've messed up my bed, my clothes and I literally have to change my overnight pads every hour.

I think my question is, is this normal after the depo shot? I know it takes some time for our bodies to go back to normal after birth control, but I only had the one dose. I plan on contacting my dr in the morning, because this is kinda scary.