Please comment need help

Here’s the story.

Started opk testing on the 8th June. Opk peak occurred on the 13th June I also had mid cycle pain. On the 14th June I had unprotected sex and also took an opk and my test went back to low. I continued to test for 2 more days and both came back low. So I classed 13th or 14th as my ovulation days. After that I noticed my CM was creamy and thick.

Since ovulation and baby dancing, yesterday which was 3dpo I noticed some symptoms , still mild cramping , fatigue, painful nipples and boobs but I thought nah way too early for symptoms. Been checking my Cm and still creamy with hints of brown stains here and there.

Today I’m 4dpo and experience some really noticeable cramping in my lower abdomen , still swollen nipples, and aching back. I took one more opk test just for the sake of it and it came out very dark. When placed on scanner it says high LH surge.

Now from everything I read for the past 2-3 days :

1) LH high surges can still occur after peak and after ovulation and can fluctuate.

2) the egg can implant before 6dpo which is the average for what all google says.

There’s no way I could ovulate twice in the month and the cramping I’m feeling could be ovulation as that would mean my cycle is just mixed up , my cycle is regular and I have no history of PCOS either.

Is my cramping implantation cramping ?