Should I let my mother watch my newborn? Read Story


So, my husband and I just moved next door to my mothers house. We thought it would be nice to be next to family since we are expecting our first child, and since I am still going to college full time we thought having my mother next door would be really helpful.

My mother has a really bad mouse problem, she catches a dead mouse pretty often, and she has even been woken up by mice crawling next to where she sleeps. My husband has done work up in their crawl space and has found tons of dead mice. My mother asked me to return this old silverware box that closes, because she keeps finding mice droppings on her silverware.

She has a pretty bad hoarding problem and has even had the city called on her in the past 6 months because HOA requires her garage to reserve enough space for at least one car, which of course her garage is filled floor to ceiling. She has so much stuff that he spare room is completely full, and the spare bathroom is unusable as its just storage, and all she has left for space is just a narrow path around the house. Stuff is literally spilling out onto all her decks and patios because she cant fit anymore of it in her house. The hoarding no doubt is why the mice have become so prominent in her home.

She wants to watch the baby over at her house, but theres no reason why she cant just take care of the baby at my place. We are such close neighbors we are literally 10 feet away. I want to tell her not to take the baby over to her house but I don’t think she’ll listen. Plus talking to her about her hoarding or anything related to the fact she has too much stuff throws her into a big emotional upset. I told her once that she was a hoarder, and she pretty much didn’t talk to me for 2 months. Im really not looking forward to having the conversation that her watching the baby at her house is out of the question because of her hoarding problem. Its not going to go over well.

Would you let your newborn be baby sat in environment like that?

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