Navel piercing

I recently pierced my own navel. It turned out well... tiniest bit crooked but I am happy. I did loads of research before and have been using dial antibacterial wash as well as salt water to clean and disinfect it. I am most worried about infection and getting it caught. I am well aware it is one of the most prone to infection areas and I’ve been cleaning it three or four times a day, mainly because I work with horses, so I work outside all day and sweat a lot. Is there any tips any of you would’ve known? I find it to slightly hurt when I bend over and slightly when I ride. Nothing unbearable just kind of a slight sting. I’m also worried about it getting ripped out by my belt buckle, which is required to wear for showing. Is there anyway I could cover it while wearing my buckle to insure is doesn’t get ripped out???

Edit: don’t mind the bruising above it too much I had a saddle horn to the stomach a few weeks ago